Art School Girlfriend Wants To See Your “Softer Side”

Photo taken by @daisywalker

Photo taken by @daisywalker


If you can imagine calm and chaos, with vocals so soft, and lyrics so deep that it will speak to your soul, Polly Mackey, better known as Art School Girlfriend, is just for you. Her newest single “Softer Side” gets it just right.

Produced by Mackey and Riley Macintyre, the Margate artist is bound to pull on your heart strings. She has described this track on Instagram as a “Self-certified dream-pop sad-banger” and it is nothing short of just that.

If you’ve felt like you were projecting your romantic ideals onto your love interest and with time, it was different than you imagined, this track will make you feel heard. Although the lyrics are on the sadder side, the dreamy electronic sound wraps it up perfectly and will have you put this track on repeat.

As she released this track, she has also announced her debut album Is It Light Where You Are is to be released September 10th. This album is meant to be a journey, and it’s one that you will not want to miss, I know I won’t be.

Written By Carolyn Burgos