“Dear Mr. Old Man” By Walter The Producer Is The Greatest Black Sheep Track Off Of His Debut Mixtape


Image Via @walteraproducer


Love, pain, hope and heartbreak are the words that come to mind when thinking about Walter the Producer’s recently released music. Almost every song off of his new mixtape No Substance Mixtape—notably, his debut—left me in awe due to how beautifully they were each constructed. It was hard for me to pick my favorite song off of this mixtape, as all are such easy yet unique listens; however, after having all the songs on repeat, “Dear Mr. Old Man” was the standout for me. 

“Dear Mr. Old Man” is the underrated track of the mixtape when compared to his other songs that have gained more recognition, like “Since September” or “My Sweet Bonita” (which, nonetheless, are amazing songs.) “Dear Mr. Old Man” is the black sheep on the mixtape–in the best possible way. Honing a more somber essence in contrast to the upbeat bouncy tracks that dominate his sound, this song is incredibly raw and riddled with emotion. It is additionally the only song on the album without a drumline, bringing a completely different vibe to the mixtape.

Before Walter the Producer even utters a lyric, melancholy emotions emerge from the guitar,  perfectly setting the song up. These guitar chords are present during the whole duration of the song and is the primary instrument used; however, during the bridge, it becomes slightly muted as bright sharp synths take its place. This alters the emotion from hopelessness to hopeful for a moment, but shifts back to its original disposition by concluding with those same chords. The lyrics and vocals express a story of guilt and pain which transports listeners into the same headspace as he is whilst singing the song.

I’m definitely invested in Walter The Producer’s future endeavors as an artist, and wholeheartedly believe it is only up from here for him, given the quality and consistency of the work he has  out. Give him a follow on Instagram to keep up with him and his new releases @walteraproducer  He is also coming out with a new single called “MUST BE THE AIR” on August 21st which I will be looking forward to!

Written By Karishma Shetty