"Oatmilk" Is the Only Thing on Spill Tab's Grocery List

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Spill tab, a non-dairy queen and singer-songwriter, makes her EP debut with Oatmilk, a charming four-song playlist that meshes bedroom pop with lofi vibrations, working perfectly for late night drives. Oatmilk is a collection of singles that were released throughout the year with her newest single “Name” saved for the release of the EP.

 The steady mix between English and French lyrics through each of her songs is extremely refreshing and blends well with her DIY-sounding production from her main collaborator David Marinelli. The change from English to French in between songs is a nod to her French Korean heritage which feel ever so seamless as she flows from one verse to another. 

Oatmilk was a bone-chilling EP and wonderful way to wrap up her freshman year releases. With only a few songs out and even less features, it is impossible to predict her next move. All I know is that 2021 is full of opportunity for Spill Tab and I can’t wait to see what she has in store for the next song.

Listen to Oatmilk on Spotify. spill tab · Single · 2020 · 4 songs.

Written by Brett Friedman