BBY GOYARD: One Day They Will Understand

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The underground music scene is more competitive than ever. New subgenres and artists pop up everyday. Unfortunately for many, being in the underground scene and experimenting new music, leaves it open to scrutiny and no one knows that better than BBY GOYARD. “For almost 4 years now I’ve been making music people have called “weird” or “unorthodox” because they don’t know what genre to categorize it as I just hope one day they will understand it” This quote is a tweet from BBY GOYARD that gives you a good idea of who he is as an artist. He is not afraid to give you something that you have never heard before and likely never hear again. He is one of the most creative artists within the scene and he has done more than enough to prove it, dropping 7 projects between 2019 and 2021. These projects were all equally unique and consistent with masterful production and sounds you will only get with BBY GOYARD. 

The experience of listening to BBY GOYARD is like being transported 20 years into the future and listening to the “cool kids” playlist in 2041. He is making these innovative songs that are reminiscent of absolutely nothing. Songs like Pearl Bottoms and Stilleto Heels are perfect examples of why some people are so confused on how to categorize BBY GOYARD.  Both tracks are fast paced, full of energy and a combination of an abundance of genres. He rides these unorthodox beats with ease, showing his familiarity of never backing down from something new. 

After a brief hiatus from releasing music, BBY GOYARD is back and is teasing big projects in the works. In his latest release Serpintina,produced by Bleachediego and longtime collaborator Mixedmatches, BBY GOYARD has again successfully made something incredibly unique. In the track, he gifts listeners with a punk futuristic blend that gives us a look into what BBY GOYARD has been up to these last few months. Bending a genre that is hot on a revival with his style, showing how and why he can and should be the next star out of the underground scene. 
BBY GOYARD is loading up for a big return to the music scene. Recently on social media, he has been teasing a collabartive project with David Shawty, a budding young star in the underground scene who boasts his own signature and unique sound. The project is dropping October 28th and is geared to be some of the best music coming out of the scene this year. Follow BBY GOYARD on his social media channels to stay updated and check out Serpintina and other BBY GOYARD tracks to get warmed up for more to come.

After a brief hiatus from releasing music, BBY GOYARD is back and is teasing big projects in the works. In his latest release Serpintina, produced by Bleachediego and longtime collaborator Mixedmatches, BBY GOYARD has again successfully made something incredibly unique. In the track, he gifts listeners with a punk futuristic blend that gives us a look into what BBY GOYARD has been up to these last few months. Bending a genre that is hot on a revival with his style, showing how and why he can and should be the next star out of the underground scene. 

BBY GOYARD is loading up for a big return to the music scene. Recently on social media, he has been teasing a collabartive project with David Shawty, a budding young star in the underground scene who boasts his own signature and unique sound. The project is dropping October 28th and is geared to be some of the best music coming out of the scene this year. Follow BBY GOYARD on his social media channels to stay updated and check out Serpintina and other BBY GOYARD tracks to get warmed up for more to come.

Written By Jack O’Neil