RIMON and RINI Relieve our Restlessness


Image Via @zahrareijs


Eritrean-born, Amsterdam-raised singer RIMON walks us through a summer love so powerful that it transcends this life and the next. With lyrics such as, “wax burns forever, if lit by two,”  this is the song you play when you find someone to help you carry the torch into the unknown.  

From her rhythmic debut single “Grace,” to performing on the minimalistic music platform COLORS, to touring North America with Giveon and selling out her own 2023 European tour, RIMON possesses the talent to win your heart in record time.  

She teams up with Filipino-Australian artist RINI to give us pure warmth and beachside bliss in “I Choose U.” In just over three minutes, the two sing us ravishing visuals of the sun’s embrace and the perfect person to share the view with. 

RIMON paints a picture so stunning I understand why she feels the need to “squint my eyes.” References to music by living legend Carlos Santana and a piña colada send us into “nirvana,” luring us away from all the worries we face away from the shoreline. 

Both these artists allow us to search and hold onto this never-ending flame. For if you find yourself grounded in a magic quite as special, how could you resist its charms?

The song’s outro wishes for a similar afterlife. A place where you can enjoy the glistening reflection of the sun on the water or let your body float over the playful waves. RIMON and RINI’s vocals drift into the fading sunset, knowing that the love they’re experiencing is precious enough to choose time and time again. 

Written By Kimberly Moon-Chong