Twenty Something


I’ve recently embarked on a journey that I’d like to call, “return to self”– reclaiming the parts of me that I lost from bad people, some things that I didn’t want to do, and a newfound adulthood. I think moving to New York City at 17 prepared me for a lot of good things in life, but mostly the worst. Whether that was crying on the way home because my shoe broke while attempting to swerve a creep on the street, or running from a deranged man screaming “Kung-Fu Pussy'' while strolling in the West Village–I’m honestly quite flattered. Flattered by the things that no one warned me for, and flattered by the realization that I’ve never had a unique experience in my life. The more I talk to my friends, the more I realize that this shit is hard for everyone, and that we’re all pretending to know what we’re doing. As a way to celebrate this epiphany, I asked my 20-something friends the one song they listen to when life gets to them. Here is their response, and cheers to all our 20-somethings!

Cleo Sol, “Build Me Up”

“Forgive me, I’m not what you want me to be. But I was raised under a roof of unfinished dreams”– An unforgettable moment on her sophomore album, Mother, Cleo Sol’s “Build Me Up” is a soundtrack to the growing pains that life presents us, specifically within the nuanced relationships we have with our parents. I listen to this song when I feel lost about the direction I am headed towards, whether that is in my career, or in my personal growth. 

Shin Hae Gyeong, feat. Kim Sawol, “Dreaming of You”

There is no escaping the talent of South Korea’s indie scene. Building upon an absolutely dreamy, ethereal soundscape, “Dreaming of You” is a heart-wrenching indie-rock crooner with gentle, lullaby-esque melodies, accompanied with dream-pop and shoegaze influences. Recommended by Eunbi (20), the song is perfect for when you’re driving alone, feeling uncertain about the future. 

Novo Amor, “Anchor”

A reserved, but nonetheless heartbreaking acoustic folk tune from indie-folk artist, Novo Amor, “Anchor” offers a sentimental reminder of the one that got away. Recommended to us by Drew (20),  “Anchor” is written like a letter that got never sent, and with vocals so gentle and up-close, the song will slowly and surely eat away at your sanity. 

Banks, “Contaminated” 

Recommended by Paige (22), Banks delivers a melancholy, but sultry dark pop sound on “Contaminated.” Banks’ soulful vocal production masks her slightly nihilistic perspective of love that she wishes she could change, but knows that “we’re always gonna be contaminated.” 

Written By Abby Hyejin